Casting the Circle

Ryan Fowkes


  • Altar
  • Altar candles
  • incense
  • Water
  • salt
  • quarter candles
  • athame/wand

to be said while candles are being lit

I light these candles in the presence of the gods and goddesses.
In the name of the four mighty elements please gather within this circle and power descend in this hour upon this place.
In the name of the four mighty elements please gather within this circle and power descend in this hour upon this place.

Light incence

Excorcism of water

kneel before altar and place the water upon the pentacle and plunge athame into the water and say

I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, that thou cast out from thee all the impurity and uncleanliness of the world of phantasm. In the names of Cernunnos and Cerridwen.

Blessing the salt

set the Water Bowl aside and in its place set the Salt Dish upon the Pentacle. touche salt with tip of athame, saying:

Blessings be upon thee, O Creature of Salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth from thee, and let all good enter within. Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee, that thou mayest aid me. In the names of Cernunnos and Cerridwen.

Using the tip of the athame take three measures of salt and put it into the water, then stir deosil three times with the athame, saying:

But ever mind that as water and salt purifies the body, so the scourge purifies the soul. So mote it be!

Casting the circle

draw an imaginary circle using athame dosil saying

By the earth that is her body and by the air that is her breath and by the fire that is her bright spirit and by the living waters of her womb the circle is cast so mote it be.

Consecration of circle

sprinkle water around the circle touching everyone in the circle with it take the incence around the circle

Calling the elements

stand facing north and draw an invoking earth pentacle while saying


Oh spirit guardian of the north,
Ancient one of the earth,
I call thee to come forth and charge this circle,
withe the power of three and rock.

next face east, draw an invoking air pentagram while saying


Oh spirit guardian of the east,
Ancient one of the air
i call thee to come forth and charge this circle
withe the power of the winds

next face south, draw an invoking fire pentacle while saying


Oh spirit guardian of the south
ancient one of the fire
i call thee to come forth and charge this circle
with the power of the flame

next face west, draw a invoking water pentacle while saying


Oh spirit guardian of the west
ancient one of the water
i call thee to come forth and charge this circle
with the power of the tides

turn to the north again and say

Charge this circle with your power, old ones, for as above, so below.

Invocation of dieties

I invoke and call upon thee O Dis Pater
God of death and lord of the underground
I invite you into my circle
touch us change us and make us whole
I invoke and call upon thee O Macha
I invite you into my circle
Touch us, change us, and make us whole
Ye mighty ones,
lords of the watch towers of the universe
dred lords of the outer spaces
Thou powerful god, thou gentle goddess
I (we) invite you to my (our) meeting


O thou loving Macha
O thou mighty Dis Pater
I stand (we gather) before you to (state intent)

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:58:32