Weaving Webs

David Rankine

The Mantra Web is a very simple and effective technique for using sonics in a group. Choose a mantra with a number of syllables corresponding to the numbers of operators, e.g. IAO for 3 people. The operators should link hands, left palm up and right palm down, and slowly start to circle clockwise, each vibrating their syllable. As this is done the operators should each project a thread of light from their Solar Plexus (Manipura chakra) to a central focal point. The color(s) of the threads of light should be determined before the operation according to its purpose and the current beliefs of the operators. As the speed and resonance of the mantra is built up over a period of time, so the web is empowered, until a climax is reached and the web energy directed by a pre-specified operator to its purpose. This is just a sketchy outline of the technique, which obviously can be used for much more than this. Some of the more common uses for this technique include healing (with the individual in the center at the focus, crystals would also boost the energy levels); sexual magick (with operator(s) in the center and, if possible, the climax timed accordingly); empowering sigils, and so on.

If the operators vibrate their syllable alternately instead of together, the mantra will spin around the circle and have a positively disorienting effect on the operators. It is important that the operators visualize their thread of light continuously, and not just when vibrating their mantra syllable. I particularly recommend this technique for outdoor use, especially at suitably aspected power sites. However, if you are using a stone circle or any other site of magick, please do think about what aspects the site has, and preferably visit beforehand to achieve some rapport with the site.

David Rankine

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:59:45