Wedding Ceremony

The Order Of Solemnization Of Marriage (General)

The Bard

The Altar shall be dressed with a white cloth, with a Cup, and an unsheathed Sword. A small lectern should be provided to the Minister, that he may hold the Sword and read the ceremony. One candle shall be unlit upon the altar, and two lit candles shall be provided, to either side.

Smaller candles shall be provided to at least the wedding party, and to the whole congregation, if possible.

Ministers take Altar

Groom and attendants take altar

Processional music starts

Bridesmaids process

Bride and father process

Bride and father take altar

MINISTER: Dearly beloved, today you are surrounded by your family, your friends, and your loved ones, all of whom have gathered here today in the sight of the ONE to share your joy and witness your marriage.
Who gives this woman to be wed?


(the Bride's father shall give the Bride's hand to the Groom, and then take his seat)

MINISTER 2: This most sacred of bonds is not to be entered into lightly, but soberly and advisedly, with openness and honesty. I require and charge you both now, upon your honors, to disclose any reason or impediment why you may not be lawfully joined this day.

BRIDE/GROOM: By our honors, there are none.

(The Minister shall turn to the congregation and say:)

MINISTER: Likewise, I charge all of you now, upon your honors, that if any know a reason that these two may not be lawfully joined this day, to speak now or forever hold your peace.

(There shall be a short pause for any response)

MINISTER: (N) and (N), life has no singular meaning so much as it is made up of many meaningful events, some of which may be specified and planned for. One of these is Marriage. As you know, no minister, no priest, no rabbi, no public official can marry you; you can only marry yourselves. By a mutual commitment to love each other and to create an atmosphere of consideration and respect, you can make your marriage come to life.

MINISTER 2: On this, the day of your marriage, you stand somewhat apart from all other human beings. You stand within the charmed Circle of your love, and this is as it should be, but love is not meant to be the possession of two people alone. Rather it should serve as a source of common energy, a form in which you can find the strength to live your lives with courage. From this day onward, you must come closer together than ever before, yet your love should give you the strength to stand apart; to seek out your own unique destinies, and to make your own special contribution to that which is always a part of us, and more than us.

MINISTER: A marriage that lasts is one which is continually developing, in which each person is continually developing while growing in understanding of the other. Deep knowledge of another is not something that can be achieved in a short time. Real understanding can only develop fully with years of intimacy. This wonderful knowledge of another grows out of really caring for the other so much, that one wants to understand as completely as possible the intricacies of the other.

MINISTER 2: May you be blessed with this deep knowledge of each other through all the days of your lives.
Would you now give your vows?


MINISTER: What tokens do you give that you will keep these vows?

BRIDE/GROOM: We give these rings.

(The rings shall be given to the Minister, who shall take them in hand.)

MINISTER 2: The ring is used in this ceremony because the Circle is our symbol for Spirit; that which was in the Beginning, is now, and ever shall Be, Love, without end. In this ceremony, it is that love which is deathless and eternal.

(Both Ministers shall join hands, holding the Rings, and shall say:)

MINISTER: We ask now the Blessing of the One upon these rings. They are bands of silver with the Tree of Life cast in relief upon their surfaces. Let the bands represent eternity, love without end, and let the trees represent the nurturing you will share in that Love, now and always.

BOTH: And so it is.

(The Rings shall be taken by the second Minister.)

(And if it is a Swordfasting, then the Minister shall take up the Sword, and flourish it aloft, and then place it point-down in front of him.)

(The Bride and Groom shall face each other, and place their hands upon the Sword's pommel, with both Ministers placing their hands over the Bride and Groom's.)

(the Minister #2 shall turn to the Groom, and say:)

MINISTER 2: (N), repeat after me:
(N), I take you as my wife.
I pledge to share my life openly with you
To speak the truth to you in love
And to honor and cherish you all the days of our lives.
I promise to love and tenderly care for you
For better and for worse
For richer and for poorer
In sickness and in health
In all storms and fair days we may weather together
For as long as we both shall live.
I promise to respect your needs,
To support you in your endeavors
And encourage you as an individual
Through all the changes of our lives.
With these words, I pledge my love.

(The Groom shall take the Ring)

And with this ring I seal my vows
Now and forever.

(The Groom shall place the Ring upon the Bride's finger.)

(The Minister shall then turn to the Bride, and say:)

MINISTER: (N), repeat after me:
(N), I take you as my husband.
I pledge to share my life openly with you
To speak the truth to you in love
And to honor and cherish you all the days of our lives.
I promise to love and tenderly care for you
For better and for worse
For richer and for poorer
In sickness and in health
In all storms and fair days we may weather together
For as long as we both shall live.
I promise to respect your needs,
To support you in your endeavors
And encourage you as an individual
Through all the changes of our lives.
With these words, I pledge my love.

(The Bride shall take the Ring)

And with this ring I seal my vows
Now and forever.

(The Bride shall place the Ring upon the Groom's finger.)

(Both Ministers shall then say:)

MINISTER: May you never hunger.

MINISTER #2: May you never thirst.

(Here there may be an interlude of music)

MINISTER 2: At this time, I would like to speak of some of the things that many of us wish for you.
First, we wish for you a Love that makes you both better people, That continues always to give you joy
And a zest for living,
And provides you with the energy to face the responsibilities of life.
We wish for you a Home, not a place of stone or wood, but an island of serenity and sanity.
We hope that this Home is not just a place of private joy and retreat, But rather serves as a Castle wherein the values of your life and family are generated and upheld.
We hope your home stands as a symbol of humans living together in Love and peace, Seeking Truth and nurturing through each other.
We hope that it has within it the elements of Simplicity, Exuberance, Beauty, Silence, Color and a concordance with the Rhythms of Life.
We wish for you a Home with Books, Poetry and Music, For a home with all the things that represent the highest strivings Of men and women.
Finally, we wish that your lives be blessed with Spiritual Abundance, and that your spiritual involvement be enhanced through This marriage.

(The Minister shall turn to the congregation, and shall say:)

MINISTER: Let us all stand together for the closing benediction, and the passing of the Light.

(The congregation shall stand. The Bride and Groom shall go to the Altar and light the single candle from their candles, and then shall light their attendant's candles, and shall light the candles of the first person in each row of the congregation. They shall then return to the altar, and extinguish their candles, placing them on the altar, and return to their place before the Ministers.)

MINISTER 2: May we all recognize that the Presence of the One has already blessed you with the presence of each other. Keep in your remembrance the sacredness of this trust and the love that knows no end. May that Peace, which passes all human understanding abide with you now, and for always.

BOTH: And so it is.

MINISTER 2: And for as much as (N) and (N) have expressed their desire to be husband and wife, showing their love and affection by joining hands, and have made promises of faith and devotion, each to the other, and have sealed these promises by giving and receiving of rings:

MINISTER: In the presence of this company of witnesses, by virtue of my sacred stewardship and the power vested in me by the State of Arizona, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.
You may kiss the Bride.

(The Bride and Groom shall then recess from the altar, followed by their attendants. The congregation shall be released by rows.)

(Here ends the Order Of Solemnization Of Marriage (General)

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